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Oct 01, 2021
HR Heroes, 2-4 November
HR Heroes is a 3 day event to give something back to HR professionals. With a different theme each day, each session will give something back to you that will support either your professional or personal life
May 03, 2022
How to diagnose and improve your career health: Five steps to a flourishing career
Many of us are considering carefully how we want to manage our careers going forward. One key to doing so successfully is ensuring a strong, robust career health.
Jul 04, 2023
Here are 3 recommendations for adopting an empathy-driven approach to redundancies
Redundancies are often unavoidable, and in the current business climate, this is likely to be the case for many organisations. HR leaders must put in place strategies that will allow them to manage this process with compassion and care.
Jun 09, 2023
The art of negotiating a job offer
Securing a job offer is exciting but that’s where the negotiations begin. Follow our essential tips to ensure you get the compensation you deserve.
May 05, 2023
5 reasons to bring in interim workers – a way through the talent drought
Today’s ongoing market uncertainty doesn’t help with hiring. It can prompt frozen budgets and make recruitment even more complicated. Your team is under pressure, your hands are tied - and there’s no let up on the work that still needs to get done. Even if you are free to hire, there’s lingering talent scarcity to contend with. This is why savvy recruiters are seeking respite by tapping into the highly skilled interim and professional staffing market.
May 05, 2023
How contracting gives you flexibility in turbulent times
To ride the ups and downs of an uncertain economy, many are on the hunt for a more flexible work life. Contracting could be the answer.
May 05, 2023
Work your way to a better career
A new job is cause for celebration - but what if you’re still in that job three years on and you haven’t learnt any new skills? Interim contracts can help you learn, grow and avoid dead-ends.
Jun 20, 2024
Four reasons why organisations should offer outplacement
Jul 05, 2023
It’s not your imagination: redundancies are widespread
In 2023, redundancies have been both widespread and deep, and so could the business consequences.
Mar 01, 2023
The psychological toll of a redundancy and the light at the end of the tunnel
We’re immediately consumed with thoughts about former employees, often our colleagues, wondering about their financial well-being and their morale. After all, these individuals are left scrambling to find new work, sometimes without the time to even consider their career trajectory or the fulfilment they need from work.
Mar 01, 2023
The complexities of a redundancy
The following article is part two of a series about the ins and outs of redundancy and outplacement services.
Aug 28, 2023
Out of office: how new ways of working are changing the accounting and finance sector
Hybrid and remote working has not lost its popularity, if an organisation doesn’t offer this benefit are they going to be able to attract the best talent?