LHH successfully helps organisations discover and nurture their internal talent through leadership development, assessment, group coaching and improved employee performance. LHH supports companies to realise their untapped potential within their own workforce, resulting in increased productivity, morale, and brand affinity.
We help businesses challenge and inspire leaders to perform at their personal best and create commercially successful organisations, led by trusted executive boards and top teams. Our expertise is focused and local, but our reach is global.
LHH’s leadership and talent assessments identify clear attributes that reveals the opportunity in every person, at every level of the organisation.
Our approach rests on four key principles:
- Business alignment – learning must be aligned with your organisation’s strategy and guided by the culture that you want to create
- Behavioural shift – development starts with an awareness of mindset and a willingness to change behaviours where necessary to support accountability
- Culture change – development and responsibility encourages accountability at every level of the organisation
- Measurable results – outcomes should be measured by the data that shows its impact against investment.
- Leadership Development
- Leadership Assessment aKumen
- Our Experience
- Executive Coaching
We have successfully partnered with individuals and businesses to unlock their true potential, benefiting both them and the wider business. We combine leading-edge technology and proven psychological development tools to provide scalable solutions to organisations of every size across all industries.
We take a human-first approach and adapt according to the needs of each leader. Every leader we work with benefits from exposure to the latest assessment techniques, e-learning tools, and individual and/or group coaching alongside instructor-led sessions. The success of every organisation rests on the strength of its leadership.
- Is your organisation acquiring great talent?
- Can you objectively and definitively identify your high potential employees?
- Are you promoting the right people into leadership roles?
- Does your succession plan have a full bench?
LHH’s leadership assessment solutions provide you with actionable insights into your leaders and employees so you can make the best decisions around which employees have the most potential, which leaders have the skills and capabilities to drive business success, and identify skill gaps that need addressing.
Our leadership talent assessments allow L&D professionals to:
Improve the ROI and enhance the impact of coaching and development programmes leading to better employee retention, engagement, and satisfaction rates.
Define overall workforce capability, create personalised learning journeys, help leaders become more effective, prepare staff for future roles, accurately target investments in coaching and development priorities, and know when to build versus acquire talent.
Make effective decisions on recruitment and selection, internal promotion and mobility, high-potential identification, and succession management.
At LHH, we support organisations just like yours to meet your business goals through a range of leadership development programmes and team coaching solutions.
What is leadership development?
Leadership development is a journey an individual takes to better understand their strengths, untap their full potential and leverage their capabilities to maximise their personal performance and the success of the business. It is a process of personal and professional discovery achieved through utilising methods that best suit their learning styles and desired outcomes.
For organisations, leadership development is an investment in your employees. By doing so, you establish an environment in which your employees can develop and grow, which can benefit your organisation in numerous ways.
By offering coaching to leaders, organisations can:
- Recruit the best talent and retain it. Leaders recognise how beneficial leadership coaching is for their careers and for thriving in the job they perform. By giving them access to leadership coaching, you are investing in them, and they recognise this. It will encourage your leaders to stay with you and grow.
- Build happier teams. Corporate culture is driven by the morale and attitudes of those at the top. By investing in leaders, you raise their morale. This helps to raise the morale of other team members, which can increase engagement and improve retention rates, reducing recruitment costs.
- Create better, more productive leaders. The more productive your managers, the more productive your employees, generally. Leadership coaching can also improve a leaders’ ability to make better decisions on behalf of the organisation.
Individual leaders recognise the benefits exposure to a coach brings. They benefit by:
- Learning how to adopt new mindsets and approach problems differently. This can help them build more constructive working relationships, promoting a happier workplace culture.
- Developing their skills and strengths to push them forward in their role and career.
- Having the time, space, support, and resources to make positive changes, both personally and professionally.
- Knock-on effect of coaching
- Effective leadership increases team effectiveness. By empowering your leaders to reach their own potential they can bring out the best in their teams.
When you invest in your people – every organisation’s greatest asset – you invest in your organisation.
aKumen is LHH's proprietary assessment approach. Capability, motivation, and focus are the three key elements to leadership effectiveness and these mark the foundation of our approach to senior leadership assessment. It identifies a senior leader’s key strengths and weaknesses and uncovers potential areas of risk. These insights reveal where development would be most useful, and what can be done to help leaders develop the skills required to manage teams and drive business success.
aKumen looks at:
Capability – this assesses aspects of effective leadership
Motivation – this offers insights into what motivates a leader
Focus – this assesses decision-making and logic
We also use an assessment solution, aKuity, to reveal insights into an employee's personality and mindset and how this may play out in the workplace environment, and Orion to assess leadership potential.
Reporting is a key part of each programme. We:
Provide insights into your leadership’s capabilities set against your competitors.
Recognise areas of development that support your strategic objectives and aim to increase your market share.
Identify where leaders may be at risk from certain behaviours or mindsets and put measures in place to manage that risk.
aKumen can be integrated with different assessment solutions. There are three core solutions available, and each targets individuals at different levels of leadership:
aKumen ‘plus’ – Executive
This programme examines four key areas: motivation, capability, focus and reputation.
aKumen – Senior Manager
This programme examines three key areas: motivation, capability, and focus.
aKumen ‘lite’ – Mid-level Manager
This programme examines two key areas: motivation and capability.
Assessment programmes are available online, as off-the-shelf or bespoke solutions, or delivered one-to-one. We also host a day-long group session that focuses on developing stronger, more effective teams.
Contact LHH today >

The success of every organisation rests on the strength of its leadership
- Is your organisation acquiring great talent?
- Can you objectively and definitively identify your high potential employees?
- Are you promoting the right people into leadership roles?
- Does your succession plan have a full bench?
LHH’s leadership assessment solutions provide you with actionable insights into your employees and leaders so you can make the best decisions around who to hire and when, which employees have the most potential, and which leaders have the skills and capabilities to drive business success.
LHH talent assessments allows you to:
Save money and time associated with unnecessary training, errors made by poor performers, and replacement costs
Improve the ROI and enhance the impact of coaching and development programmes leading to better employee retention, engagement, and satisfaction rates
Define overall workforce capability, create personalised learning journeys, help leaders become more effective, prepare staff for future roles, accurately target investments in coaching and development priorities, and know when to build versus acquire talent
Make effective decisions on recruitment and selection, internal promotion and mobility, high-potential (HiPo) identification, and succession management
Seamlessly deliver virtual or in-person assessment solutions, anywhere in the world.
It’s time to unleash the potential in your people.
Because when someone works with a professional coach, you see them skyrocket. They’re switched on, tuned in and ready to work to their goals.
We’re here to make this happen at scale; to spread the superpower of coaching further than your top teams – to high potentials, new starters and beyond.
How do we do it? With technology that’s as easy as the apps you use every day. With a global network of over 2,000 tried, tested and accredited coaches. With metrics to let you get a read on your people’s progress – one-by-one and across the board.
Personalised, measurable, scalable: EZRA is the new way to grow greatness from within.
Visit helloezra.com to learn more