Leadership Development

LHH successfully helps organizations reveal and nurture their internal talent through leadership development, assessments, coaching, and upskilling solutions. LHH supports companies to realize their untapped potential within their own workforce, resulting in increased productivity, morale, brand affinity, and business impact.
Through our learning and development offering, we help businesses challenge and inspire leaders to perform at their personal best and create commercially successful organizations, led by inspirational executive boards and trusted top teams. Our expertise is focused and local, but our reach is global.
Our approach rests on four key principles:
- Business alignment - leadership development must support your organization’s strategy and be guided by the culture of learning and coaching you want to create.
- Behavioral shift - development starts with an awareness of mindset and a willingness to change behaviors where necessary to increase leadership impact.
- Systemic change - change of leadership behaviors is approached through systemic lenses and an ecosystem view.
- Measurable results - outcomes should be measured and supported by data.
- Developing adaptive leaders
- Leadership development
- Learning journeys
- Coaching for everyone
- Talent Management & Assessments
Successful leadership development isn’t achieved through the application of competency models, multi-day offsites, or teaching complex theories, but rather by providing leaders with the skills they need to activate their proactive personality at every key career moment.
We take a human-centered approach, enhanced by artificial intelligence (AI) to ensure that every leader has access to the latest, most relevant, curated content available. Modalities include assessments, instructor-led sessions, and e-learning — enhanced and sustained through individual and/or group coaching.
Our approach to helping leaders reach their full potential is based on a few core principles:
- Every leader is extraordinary.
- Never learn alone.
- Expertise at your fingertips.
- Coaching at the heart.
At LHH, we support organizations just like yours to meet your business goals through a range of coaching solutions and leadership development programs.
What is leadership development?
Leadership development is a journey an individual takes to better understand their strengths so they can leverage those strengths for enhanced performance in their role. It is a process of personal and professional discovery. Equally, leadership development aims at drawing individuals’ attention on their potential areas for improvement, which at times may prevent them from growing as a leader and from delivering the leadership impact they wish to have.
For organizations, leadership development is an investment in your employees. By doing so, you establish an environment in which your employees can develop and grow, which can benefit your organization in numerous ways.
By leadership development solutions to leaders, organizations can:
- Retain the best talent. Leaders recognize how beneficial leadership development is for their careers and their success and for thriving in the job they perform. By supporting them in their development, you are investing in them, and they recognize this. It will encourage your leaders to stay with you and grow in a way that makes sense for them and for your business.
- Build the talent your business needs. Leadership development supports your business strategy by helping your leaders and managers to acquire and to further develop the leadership competencies they need to deliver on your strategy.
- Build happier teams. Corporate culture is driven by the morale and attitudes of those at the top. By investing in your leaders, you raise their morale. This helps to raise the morale of other team members, which increases engagement and improves retention.
- Create better, more impactful leaders. The more impactful your managers, the more productive your employees, generally. Leadership development improves a leaders’ ability to make better decisions on behalf of the organization and to support their direct reports in the further development their own skills.
Individual leaders recognize the benefits exposure to a leadership development brings. They benefit by:
- Developing their skills and strengths to push them forward in their role and career.
- Having the time, space, support, and resources to make positive changes, both personally and professionally.
- Being offered the opportunity to stay up to date in their leadership practices.
- Performing at their best with their teams. Effective leadership increases team effectiveness. By empowering your leaders to reach their own potential they can bring out the best in their teams.
LHH leadership development modules come to life through adaptive learning journeys that enable personalized development across the key career moments every leader experiences.
- Integrate. When leaders are new to a team, function, or organization, we help them step in with greater self-awareness to build relationships and hit the ground running.
- Elevate. When leaders are stuck where they are, we help them explore the barriers and step up to reboot their careers.
- Navigate. We help new leaders move through the choppy waters of organizational life, where success is measured in terms of the output of others.
- Accelerate. When you recognize the leadership potential of those on the cusp of greatness, we help them achieve superstar status.

Expectations of leaders and the need for coaching have evolved, and so is our ability to serve you. The speed of this change is such, that teams need a more convenient way to implement executive coaching across their organizations.
High-quality coaching services supercharged by EZRA’s behavioral science, innovative technology, and incredible reporting capabilities provide you with robust data and insights.
The benefits include:
- Improved data, analytics and reporting for all clients
- Reduced admin for client team administering coaching
- Same high-quality coaching; made more accessible and affordable through technology.
Take me to helloezra.com.
Having the right talent at the right place at the right time and with the right skills is an everyday challenge. With our wide range of assessment solutions, we can help you address any challenge your organization is facing:
- How to identify my high potentials in a fair, reliable, and accepted manner?
- How to accelerate the development of my leaders to accelerate their readiness to take on higher or expanded roles?
- How to ensure people are investing their efforts in developing the skills that will make a real difference?
- How to ensure I have a supply of talent ready to replace those who will retire soon?
- How to improve the quality of our promotion decisions?
- How to ensure that external people we hire have the right skill set and mindset to be successful in our organization?
If any of these challenges sounds familiar to you, then you are in the right place! Our LHH experts will be designing with you the relevant solutions that deliver value to both your organizations and your talents.
Our approach is rooted into your business strategy and its implications on your people strategy and talent requirements