
- Banking & Financial Services
- Logistics & Transport
- Healthcare
- Consumer Goods
- Electronics, Software & Telecoms
- Energy & Utilities
- Engineering & Manufacturing
- Retail
- Media
- Government, Education & Public Sector
- Life Sciences
- Construction
- Watches & Luxury
Digital transformation is changing the finance industry for good
We are seeing unprecedented changes within the banking and financial services industry. It is growing rapidly, with digital transaction and engagement rates soaring. It has gone from mostly in person to online, and professionals in the space now require new skill sets to keep up with growing technological demands.
LHH helps banking and financial services leaders with workforce transformation, including employee assessments, coaching, leadership development, skill building, transition assistance, and placement of all levels of employees, interim executives, and contractors.
What a time to be in logistics and transport!
With the world’s most recognizable companies leading the way, online shopping is exploding; there are millions of new shoppers—and billions of new dollars spent—every year. That means endless shipments from manufacturers to distributors to online retailers to consumers. That’s good news for skilled, job-hunting logistics pros and a serious challenge for supply chain and transportation-dependent businesses.
When a world healthcare crisis happens, you respond
The highly regulated healthcare field has undergone many changes over the years, but none as drastic as those we’ve seen due to the pandemic. Technical staff had to pivot to enable virtual and hybrid health models, many clinicians had to learn to work remotely for the first time and other staff were stretched thin, all while risking their own health to serve others.
These professionals, who had to acquire new skills and adapt nearly instantly to changes, are now demanding more in terms of salaries and work flexibility. It’s a competitive market, especially for people with tech skills and expertise navigating complex healthcare laws.
Change is the only constant and we embrace that with you
The past two years have fundamentally challenged the consumer goods industry in several ways: online and omnichannel sales are dominant, the workforce is mostly remote, supply chain issues are rampant, and interest in sustainability is renewed. Digital transformation is important for nearly every industry, and for consumer goods, that means investment and staffing up technology teams, to address data privacy, ramp up marketing and ecommerce, and building out work-from-home platforms.
Saying it's a competitive job market is an understatement
Telecoms companies are focused on operationalizing 5G networks, which requires significant transformation to overcome network-related challenges, including high costs, security threats, and end user downtime. Software companies face similar issues, with the added challenge of competing against the world’s biggest tech leaders for the best talent. LHH has worked in these spaces for nearly three decades, and we’re here to help you compete and succeed—whether it’s for candidates or for jobs.
Coming to a crossroads of sustainability and status quo
Energy and utility companies are facing some steep challenges, among them stiff competition, aging infrastructure, increasing demand, and sustainability concerns. While you are focused on operationalizing smart cities, improving energy efficiencies, warding off security threats, and keeping regulators happy, among other initiatives, we are here to lighten your load. LHH has worked in talent solutions for energy and utilities for more than 25 years, and we’re here to help you compete and succeed.
Up next: fixing supply chain issues and addressing labor gaps
Even as engineering and manufacturing becomes more and more automated, it’s not putting people out of work. In fact, Deloitte estimates that more than two million manufacturing jobs will be vacant by 2030. That’s because this technology demands people with more specialized skills to program robotics, develop and maintain software, and use empathy and creativity to problem solve. So, while you’re focused on building advanced manufacturing operations, let the professionals at LHH leverage our 27 years of experience in the space to help you with talent solutions.
Good news: sales are up. Bad news: customers can be fickle
Shopping changes wrought by the pandemic have forced many retailers to ramp up their digital strategies and focus on customer experience. This scenario puts high demand on talent with skills in digital marketing, technical, customer service, analytical, and design. While you are focused on finding ways to secure brand loyalty, drive omnichannel growth, and meet customers where they are, let the professionals at LHH leverage our 30 years of experience in the space to help you with talent solutions.
It's all about the eyeballs, and they have more choices than ever
The media industry has experienced incredible change—from the democratization of content creation to the proliferation of channels to the on-demand availability of programming. Companies have had to adapt, through acquisitions or new investments, to stay competitive in this new media environment. At the same time, opportunity is booming, with the demand for content greater than ever. While you are focused on finding ways to secure brand loyalty, drive omnichannel growth, and meet customers where they are, let the professionals at LHH leverage our 28 years of experience in the space to help you with talent solutions.
Digital transformation is finally more than a buzzword
It’s been a time of incredible change and growth and the public sector has not been exempted. The government response to the pandemic accelerated cloud adoption, interagency cooperation on security and digital trust, and forced nearly everyone to embrace remote work. Spending on infrastructure is soaring. Now it’s a matter of finding the right people to do transformative work, wherever they are.
Labs and startups are in the spotlight, thanks to worldwide demand
The life sciences industry was growing prior to the pandemic, and the trajectory has increased with renewed interest in the development of life-saving therapies. Competition for talent is strong and many positions are expected to remain unfilled due to skills gaps. While you are focused on finding ways to keep your innovation pipeline full, secure funding, and commercialize products, let the professionals at LHH leverage our 26 years of experience in the sector to help you with talent solutions.
Lagging tech adoption and labor shortages are hot topics
While the construction industry experienced significant hurdles due to the pandemic, some beneficial outcomes included galvanized partnerships, adoption of new modernized workflows, and the opportunity to vie for new government infrastructure contracts. So, while you’re focused on building new relationships, shoring up your supply chain, and transforming your digital systems, let the professionals at LHH leverage our 26 years of experience in the sector to help you with talent solutions.
Helping maintain the reputation and association of quality is our priority
Despite the Pandemic, Switzerland’s luxury and watch industries have both remained robust. These industries host some of the most innovative companies in the world. The Swiss watch industry has a long and prestigious reputation, and we are proud to have a long-serving relationship with it.
Switzerland has a long history of association with quality. And this extends to its luxury and watch industries. LHH have decades of experience helping people, teams and organizations across the world in these two sectors.