The Biggest Challenge in Marketing Today? Attracting & Retaining Top Talent

The need for marketers and their unique skill sets has been on the rise—and this trend doesn’t seem to be losing momentum any time soon.

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Posted On Jun 24, 2022 

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for marketers and their unique skill sets has been on the rise—and this trend doesn’t seem to be losing momentum any time soon. In fact, in our latest Compensation & Workforce Trends Survey, we found that 39% of organizations expect to expand their marketing and creative departments in 2022. However, 37% of those hiring managers also said that creative skills are increasingly difficult to find in potential candidates, post-pandemic. So, with this high demand and low supply, what’s their plan to attract and retain the talent they need?


In our 2022 Marketing Workforce Trends report, we explored these questions in depth. Here’s just a glimpse of the answers we received from marketing hiring managers:


  • 87% plan to back-fill roles that were eliminated during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Since the pandemic, marketing hiring managers have found it increasingly difficult to find candidates with technical skills (55%), adaptivity/creativity skills (51%), and leadership skills (49%).
  • 64% of hiring managers say they plan to close the skills gap by hiring new full-time employees
  • 63% say they plan to identify and upskill high potential employees within their organizations
  • 54% say they plan to reskill current employees to be redeployed


Want more insights and analysis on how marketing teams are overcoming the skills gap? Download our 2022 Workforce Trends: Marketing report today.